Index: Authorpreneurship

Neera Mahajan
3 min readMar 13, 2021

Making a living as an author takes hard work, and the income from just one book or writing on one platform will not pay you enough to live on. If you want to earn a living as an author and not just make a living but thrive as an author, you need to think like a business person. Like an authorpreneur.

My publication Authorpreneurs will help you achieve that. Here is the list of some articles I wrote at the start of the publication:

How I am Using LinkedIn To Establish Myself As A Writer

How To Get Started On LinkedIn

How To Write A Good LinkedIn Post

How To Set Up A Good LinkedIn Profile

Lesson Learned During 30 Day LinkedIn Sprint

Want To Write? Then Don’t Start A Blog

A Brilliant Idea To Build Your Community On Medium

I Am Writing A Cookbook

How To Get Your First 1000 Subscribers

No One Reads Books

You Might Have Already Written Your Book

I Bet You Have Never Heard Of Workcation

7 Essential Components of An Author Website

Ten Lessons Learned From Publishing My Second Book



Neera Mahajan

Author of Dare To Create, Eight Steps To Be An Authorpreneur, and How To Write an eBook In One Week | Write Your Book with me in 30 days.