Publications Are Still The Key To Reach The Wider Audience

Neera Mahajan
4 min readJun 29, 2021
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

As you might know, I have been writing an article a day with my 100 Articles in 100 Days challenge.

With my quest to publish an article a day, I have been publishing them first on my profile and then sending them to publications. Some publications allow that (and I am very thankful to them), but others only accept articles in draft mode.

I have often published articles on my profile only to find that they don’t get read much. I have a very small following (2.1K at the time of writing this article) which has been growing steadily but slowly.

I am beginning to think that to reach a wider audience, I can no longer ignore big publications.

Medium threw a spanner in the works. Many publications I wanted to target have already been shut down or in the process of shutting down.

In next few days, I am going to concentrate on writing for publications. I will still be writing an article a day but I will let it sit for a day or two and then go over it with fresh eyes before sending it to a publication.

This could mean you may not see an article from me everyday.

To keep the Medium algorithm happy, I might write some filler articles to fill the gap.



Neera Mahajan
Neera Mahajan

Written by Neera Mahajan

Author of Dare To Create, Eight Steps To Be An Authorpreneur, and How To Write an eBook In One Week | Write Your Book with me in 30 days.

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